This cool comfortable sneakers can never go wrong. The comfort, style and high-quality materials are unmatched to other sneakers on the market. These shoes are stylish and comfortable, they have a soft, stretchy knit structure and rebound form insole which is cushioning for all-day comfort. All in one packaged sneakers for various activities. A multipurpose must have sneakers for every gentlemen. Light weight outsole and knitted upper keeps everyone lightweight enough to carry out daily tasks.
- Knitting upper- Breathable, Stretchable and Comfortable
- Rebound form insole- Breathable, Odour control and Shock absockption
- Mesh Lining- Breathable and Comfortable with sponge
- MD Outsole- Shock Absorption, Durability and Flexible
- SKU: 582304-WA1SV-5P-SAND